Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'd like to thank...

The sweet and talented Anna over at Noodlehead gave me the Lemonade Stand award the other day. I must say it was very thoughtful of her to pass it on to me! Things have been a little crazy around here and I'm just getting around to sitting down to blog it.

From what I hear, the Lemonade Stand Award is awarded for being a blogger who shows great attitude and gratitude. The rules for accepting this award are:
  • Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
  • Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
  • Link the nominees within your post.
  • Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
  • Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
And after all those great rules, I'm going to break them. [winces] The big reason is that picking ten blogs was hard to do. Not because I have way more than that on my favorite list...but rather because I only have a small handful that I love and mostly check those (Noodlehead being one of them). With my two little munchkins there are precious few moments I can steal at the computer for blogging and checking out other blogs, although I wish I had a lot more time to find inspiration out there and am always happy to find a new blog.

As a consolation for the real list however, I bring you a random sampling of my current favorites...
If you have a favorite crafty blog or two that you love, I would love to know what it is! (who sadly just announced the end of her blogging)

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