Monday, August 23, 2010

news flash!

Breaking News: slipper gripper shrinks!

Okay, so maybe this is only news to me. I always prewash my fabrics but it never occurred to me to prewash my slipper gripper...guess I should read up on these things before jumping in, huh? 

The same place mats out of the wash...
(not even dried in the dryer...just a cold delicate wash and laid out flat to dry!)


The good thing is that my kids won't care (or even notice) the tiniest bit and the place mats still catch messes just fine. But, it's still a little disappointing to spend time on a project and then feel like you made a rookie mistake. Oh well. At least now you know to prewash your slipper gripper - don't forget!


  1. Oh, rats, Kari. So sorry that happened.

  2. Been there, done that, though not with slipper gripper. It's okay, Kari---these keep the fun in functional!

  3. You can always cut around the seams and then redo them right? I think they will be just fine though. They are still super cute. I wouldn't have thought about that stuff shrinking.

  4. Appreciate the heads up! And they are super cute!

  5. I think i live in a rock... I don't even know slipper gripper... but now I do, and must make some placemats....see... your craft fail (well, not fail fail, mishap) has made the crafting community little more wise...
    I'm going to look for this stuff today... although I doubt they make it in floor rug size... that's what i'd need to make to keep my messy short people from oozing crumbs all over..ergh!

  6. Who would have ever thought that slipper gripper would shrink. I sure wouldn't. Jackie

  7. Great tip! I feel like this happens to me all the time... Just getting my craft feet wet, and I HATE when things go wrong! Perspective, huh?


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