Monday, March 19, 2012

I've missed you! (and a new quilt!)

Hello Hello! I'm back and have a quilt to share! I hope you are doing great!!

I have really missed the little blog and apologize for leaving you hanging like that. The joke in our house is that the year after I have a baby is a "lost year"...and it turns out that's been pretty accurate 3 times running now. The last 12 months or so have been focused on home. We sold a house, moved to a new one, my oldest started Kindergarten, my middle son is almost 4, and we've almost hit the one-year mark for baby boy #3...whew. It has been a very satisfying year and now I am ready to sew again.

Truth be told, I didn't want to come back until I had something to share. And now I do...

 This is the second memorial quilt I have made in the last year and I hope it brings much comfort and lots of happy snuggles.

 My mom's friend lost her husband very unexpectedly a few years back 
and these are his running shirts transformed.
The details: grey Kona cotton, quilting print from JoAnn for the sashing and binding. 
Machine quilted with a walking foot & free motion foot. Binding finished by hand.

 The fronts and backs of a couple of my favorite squares...



 This was a labor of love for sure and if anyone out there gets the urge to make a quilt from t-shirts, I'd be happy to post a list of tips since it definitely takes some finesse (and a large dollop of patience).

After so much time away from my machine, I have a lot of pent up sewing energy. 
Tomorrow, I'll show you the next quilt I'm working on!


  1. Welcome back! I love the intricate quilting you did. What a treasure.

  2. fabulous quilt and I'd love some tips - I've got quite a few t-shirts that I've been holding onto and a quilt would be the perfect solution to get them out of the box they have been residing in :) thanks


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