Monday, February 25, 2013

Warming the House

We have new neighbors across the street! 
AND they have little kids to play with! Yeah!

To welcome them to the neighborhood, we took over a coffee cake (thank you, Trader Joe's box mix). 
Who doesn't like homemade goodies??

Confession: this is the SECOND coffee cake I made for the neighbors since we ate the first wasn't warm by the time I was going to walk it over and my kids were dying to eat it, so I gave in. 
And it was delicious.

The best part about taking a little something to new neighbors is that you can include a card with names and important info on it. Now they don't have to guess names and they can call if they need anything.

And, of course, what is a gift without a handmade touch?
Grabbed one of my blank flour sack towels (that I keep on hand for just such gifts) and doodled a little housewarming message with a Sharpie Rub a Dub marker.

LOVE my fabric Sharpie pen!
Have you ever used one of these? They're pretty awesome.

And we tied it all up with a ribbon and walked across the street.
It turns out they are a super nice family and the kids all played together really well.
So it was a treat for all of us.

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