Monday, September 9, 2013

Pink or Blue??

You know how some people wait until the birth of their little one to find out the baby's gender? 
I think that's wonderful. A magical surprise in a life with so few real surprises. 

But, let's be honest, it's not so wonderful for giving gifts. 
When I'm making a baby gift, I really really want to know if it's for a bouncing baby boy or a sweet baby girl. 
But, instead I'm left with green or yellow...

Fortunately, I had some neutral baby flannel on hand and whipped up a matching set of gifts.

The go-to, all-time favorite, burp cloths. Because we all know you can't have enough of those.

And a onesie just because those teeny tiny things are so dang cute.

 And a diaper + wipes strap on the far right in the picture below (inspired by this tutorial over at calico)
since lugging a whole diaper bag can get old pretty fast.

Here's to a brand new life, pink, blue, or any other color out there!


  1. Love this idea and perfect timing too...a co-worker of mine is having a baby shower next month! Do you have a tutorial on, or can you tell me how you made the burp cloths?

  2. Hi Ren, I don't have a tutorial but the burp cloths are super easy! I cut a 6" wide strip of flannel about 2" longer than the prefold diaper. Press the long edges about 1/4" under and pin on the prefold. Then fold the short edges to match up with the ends of the prefold and pin those in place. Zigzag or straight stitch around the edges of the whole rectangle of flannel and you're done! Similar tutorials are here: and here:

    Happy sewing!


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